Welcome to the OCTAVE eTraining Portal

It is a revolutionary time for HIV prevention research. And it needs to be, as we face 7,000 new infections daily around the globe. Recent successes in biomedical and behavioral approaches and further characterizing epidemics around the world are driving discovery. However, new minds and new ideas are needed from young researchers, particularly from the developing world where the pandemic is at its worst.

Since 2008, the OCTAVE Project (Online Collaborative Training for AIDS Vaccine Evaluation) has hosted capacity-building workshops aimed at educating and preparing Young and Early Career Investigators (YECIs) from around the world in high priority scientific and professional development areas. OCTAVE workshops successfully blend online and highly interactive face-to-face learning to increase knowledge and spark new collaborations. And they have been recommended as a flexible training strategy by the YECI working group of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

YECIs selected to participate in one or more workshops will have the opportunity to work with an experienced international faculty of investigators, community leaders, and professionals to build relevant skills.

This portal will host online materials and eLearning activities for the OCTAVE capacity building workshops. Enjoy, and please feel free to share your feedback!

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Last update: Saturday, April 29, 2017


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